Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Suicide Prevention Day (day late)

     Happy Wednesday everyone! I just wanted to take some time talk about suicide. As a lot of us know, yesterday was National Suicide Prevention Day. Have you ever wandered why someone would want to end their life? I can't even imagine wanting to end my own. But seriously,what would make someone want to do that? Usually they're mentally ill or super depressed. Many things can contribute to depression. Someone being that upset to want to just end it all. My heart goes out to them and I can imagine yours does too. Maybe they've been insulted insult by insult. They may have been beaten physically or even mentally. Why would someone even think to do something like that? Heck if I know. What I do know is that it needs to stop.
     A very close friend of mine was told that if that person were to ever die, no one would care. That person then tried to commit suicide shortly after... they built up the courage to not end up doing so and I thank God for that over and over. 
The fact that that person had to complete strength to not follow through is just a miracle. They are one my absolute best friends and it'd be really really hard to imagine life without them. The amount of people that would dwell and be destroyed over the fact that they had killed themselves is a numerous amount. So so soooooo many people would just be destroyed. And the thing is, the same amount of people would be just as hurt if you were to do it. What I'm saying here is that if you have ever attempted or thought to commit suicide, you need to never think of it again. God put you on this earth for a reason - a good reason too. Don't be that person. Be the person who overcame it. Be the one to prevent it. Be the one to stand up for it and be against it. Be there for someone. Build yourself to the right standards. You and everyone else around you is worth more than a million. Even the girl you can't stand, or the boss that butt heads with, or the person who has bullied you... no one is worth a suicide. 
Especially you.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.  

Friday, May 3, 2013


     Good afternoon everyone :) It's Friday finally... yayyyyyyyy :) I hope you all have had a really awesome week. If not then I apololgize :/ I want some feedback from my blog please. I want to know what kind of things you all would like to see me write about or what you all think needs to be focused on. I want to write about things that can help YOU. Or others you know need the help. So prettttty please leave a comment on how you think my blog is. Maybe what you would change or add or keep or anything. Even if it's just a simple, "your blog is going well". Feedback from everyone would be highly appreciated. Or if you don't want to leave a comment or aren't able to, please email me at "". This blog is all about the prevention of bullying so keep spreading the word in every way you can. People have been doing good job at spreading the word and being the difference, so keep at it and share share share! If you're comfortable with it, I'd also like you to email me an experience you've been through or something you've witnessed or how you overcame something, etc. Sharing those stories with me would benefit others a whole bunch. So please, don't feel obligated. Thank you guys! :)

We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "". I'll always be there and you can count on it.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Strong Enough

     I'm not sure if you all have heard the song Strong Enough by Matthew West and/or Savior, Please by Josh Wilson but they both talk about how they aren't strong enough to do some things on their own and they need God's help. Well I agree and I know for sure you can't do anything without God. It's a given. I'm not trying to turn this bullying blog into a preaching blog or anything like that. But I recommend y'all look into it. If you're dealing with something and you just need to know that someone is there, if you're a bully and you don't know how to stop. if you're being bullied, if you're losing touch with someone close, if someone close to you just passed away, if you're really sick, etc. If I'm having a bad week and either on of those songs come on, I can feel God just speaking to me. He pulls me through I never would have been able to do on my own. So I just encourage that whatever you're struggling with, that you just turn to God. 
Talk to Him. He is the answer.
"I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be. I give up, I'm not strong enough."
 If you honestly feel like there is no one you feel comfortable to talk to or that you can trust 100%, God is the answer. He is the answer, the first answer and always will be the answer. I know these past 2 blogs haven't been long and this one isn't really focused on just bullying, but I feel like they pertain to the cause 100%. Don't forget to look up BOTH songs with the lyrics, they will speak to you.

"Isaiah 41:10"

We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "". I'll always be there and you can count on it.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.  

Saturday, April 27, 2013


     ^^^^^^^^^This is a must watch clip. An absolute must. So, I don't know about all of you but that makes me want to watch the movie. This is the real deal and it speaks to me like I know it speaks to you. That little boy is gold and so is everyone else. Don't treat them like silver. Each and every one of us is worth more than 29347389274856198374 pounds of gold but that doesn't give us the right to act the way we do other people. I'm going to keep this blog short and simple because I feel like the movie speaks a lot but not quite enough. The rest of the speaking is your voice telling yourself what you should and shouldn't be doing. If you're not the bully stop the bullies because your making just as bad of a decision as they are by not doing something about. So do something about it. Say something and preach about it. Be about it. We are it but together, we can stop this and God willing we will stop this because I'm so tired of seeing it. I'm going to go out of my way to be the difference and I couldn't give 10 craps about what people think about me when I do do it. "We when come together, we can do anything." Be the difference today tomorrow and for forever after that. You'll be rewarded with more than you can imagine because you've done what no one else will. 

We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "". I'll always be there and you can count on it.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cyberbullying ... Part 1

     Have you ever added a friend on Facebook who uploads two million pics of herself/himself 24/7? Have you ever looked at those pics and said, "ew, look at that skank" or "ew, she died her hair AGAIN?" or maybe even, "she is not attractive', "shes ugly" "hes fat" "she got tattoo? she's just trash" "if you upload one more picture of yourself, I swear"... 
     Have you gone to school and heard someone say, "did you see that picture she/he uploaded on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., like what the heck, they aren't even attractive" or "she had her shirt up so you could see her hip, talk about a skank". Now, have you ever looked at them and said stop? Have you ever felt better after saying/thinking things that? Well I sure hope not. I know I never have. I know that some of you (including myself) like to talk bad about those people because it simply boosts your self confidence. A ton of you will disagree with me and what not but that is the 100% truth and a proven fact. The only reason we are petty and rude about those kinds of things are because we want a boost of self confidence. But if you think about it, in return, you may feel better about yourself, but deep deep down, you feel like a guilty little crap head for being like that. LET THEM DIE THEIR HAIR. LET THEM SHOW THEIR HIP AND GET THE WRONG ATTENTION LIKE THEY KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET. LET THEM learn their lesson. They know what they're setting themselves up for. They know people will talk smack about their pictures. They egg on the the rude comments because they like the attention
That's key everyone, They. Want. Attention.
     Ever think about what goes on at their home or why they're like that? There's a reason for everything. And things like that are never good reasons. Think about something before you say or think something. Maybe that girl doesn't have a relationship with their dad. That girl will crave attention from guys since she doesn't get it from what should be the most important man in her life (other than God). Maybe they were sexually harassed at some age? I know that some people who get sexually harassed are the opposite of "trashy" but something like that can and most likely will completely turn that person's life all the way around. They will want attention. Therefor, they will do whatever to get attention. What I'm trying to say here is, 
you don't know their story, so don't read it out of context.
     And for those of you posting the pictures getting talked about, don't post pictures like that. I mean, if you want attention THAT bad, get the good kind of attention. Be a nice person, smile at everyone and have a good start to everyday. If you struggle, pray. Talk to someone. Don't talk to Negative Nelly and talk to someone that you know is uplifting and encouraging. Help yourself.

We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "". I'll always be there and you can count on it.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bullying is Everywhere

     Hey everyone! I would first off like to apologize for not doing a blog in like 1534229374893274.3  million years. I've been super busy :( So I apologize. & the last thing I want to do is drive people away because I know people need this. So once again, I'm very sorry and always keep updated. So now I would like to get to the bottom line,
Bullying is EVRYWHERE.
     We all know that it happens in schools. It happens in offices. It happens at the mall and the grocery store. It can even happen in church, yes, in church. The most cliche thought is that it happens in high school or middle school. Elementary school is now struggling with it and they have no idea what to do. Can we help? Sure, why don't we? Coming together as a whole and fighting against bullying. Remember, be the difference. In jobs there is bullying. Let's say you're job is to call people and tell them what money they do and don't get after an accident. Let's say the accident was their fault so they don't get any money and they don't agree with that. Some people will react rudely and immaturely, calling you every name in the book and then some. You're walking in a grocery store and you a 16 year old with 7 month along-sized stomach. You see the woman in the same aisle as you look her up and down with disappointment. THAT'S BULLYING. Nothing makes you any better than that 16 year old girl. Nothing at all. So what gives you the thought that you have right to act like you stand on higher grounds because I'll tell you what, 
we're all standing on the same ground.
     That man you just yelled and screamed at, he's doing his job for crying out loud. Let him be and don't bully him for your actions. Just because you don't go to church every Sunday doesn't give members of the church the right to treat you less or to talk about you other members of the church. Your relationship with God is your relationship with God, not theirs.
     So all of you being bullied, what do you do? You pull a smile on your face and ask them how their day is going. Show them is doesn't bother you because it shouldn't bother you. Their opinion to you is useless. The only opinion that matters is yours. If you're upset with yourself forgive yourself. We're human so we will all make mistakes. Forgive yourself and make it a goal to not make that mistake again. Learn from your mistake and don't let others bring you down. 
"The people who are trying to bring you down are already below you."
     We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "". I'll always be there and you can count on it.

 This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. 
Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.                                                            

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bullycide: When Bullying Causes Suicide

     Nearly 1 in 12 teens attempt suicide per year. You and I both know that all those teens didn't do that because of a mental illness. Or maybe it was? A different form perhaps? Caused by bullying maybe? I could take that as a definite yes. Before I get started, I'd like to point this out,
No one, and I clearly mean no one, deserves to feel the need like they don't belong here anymore. YOU"RE ALL WORTH MORE THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE, and I  seriously mean that from the bottom of my heart.
    First off, I'd like to have a talk to the bullies. Whatever you're doing, stop. Seriously. It's only making you look really bad and heck, I know you're way better than that. But you're saying, "oh, people treat me the same way all the time so what's the difference?!" or "my parents told me to stick up for myself so that's what I'm doing" or "my friends laugh at me and I'm considered cool" etc. Okay... for one, find new friends? Whoever thinks that making fun of someone is funny, needs to take a step back and think. For two, people treat you like that? Hm, if you obviously know how it makes you feel then why in the world are you doing it? C'mon people, it's common sense. For three, your parents told you to stick up for yourself... I highly doubt that's what they meant. Guaranteed actually. That one is just a lazy excuse in my opinion. So now I have a new game for you and this is simply all you have to do: Stop. Think. Act. Simple? It can be. Challenging? Sure will be. Worth it? Worth more than you know. If you put that game (that I know ALL of you will play from now on right? Right. Okay good.) into every circumstance that you can think of (and of course using your common sense in the process) then you will turn out to be a much better person. Hey, who would've known. But seriously guys, I know this all sounds like common sense and yada yada yada. But if it's really common sense, then why aren't you doing it.

     Now I'd like to have a discussion with all of you who are feeling down in the dumps and aren't having the most positive thoughts.  I'm going to throw out a few scenarios out of tons. Sooooo, your bff4lyfe turns out to be the one talking all kinds of smack about you. Maybe you aren't as built as those girls. Maybe you don't throw a football as good as that bench warmer. Maybe your car is a 2007 instead of that other guys who has a 2008. Maybe your parent picks on you as if your just some punk or airhead who doesn't know anything. Have you ever thought that maybe your bff4lyfe is being mean to you to show you that she clearly can't reach your standards so she's just given up? Have you ever thought that your parent grew up being picked on by their parents, or maybe they're just mad at themselves so they use the anger out on you since you're the easiest target? Or maybe your parents have just given up so they don't know what else to do. Now, have you ever felt alone? I know we all have. Did you know you're not alone? Who ever else has read this post is agreeing to that same statement so that right there shows you that you're not alone. I've felt alone. Many times. But I never gave up on myself. Never have I ever thought to take my own life because I know that just because I was treated so wrongly, it would teach me life lessons. We all have been given some kind of talent. It may be huge or it could be really small. But you can turn that talent into something bigger and better and greater. If you were to take your own life then you couldn't make your talent grow. You couldn't find your talent or show your talent. You couldn't be your talent. You're probably thinking, "what does talent have to do with anything?" Well I think that talent makes you, you. Talent brings out the best in you and bringing out the best in out the real you and the real you is more special then either one of us could ever imagine. So now that you're the real you, you can surround yourself with people who accept you. And with acceptance comes with happiness. Do me a huge favor and be you this week. Show me what you overcome and find and show your talent. I have a little secret... in the end, you've found your talent, you've found you and you've found the people who are worth your time, but in the end, you've found your greatest talent. And that's being you, because you, are absolutely amazing.

     So now that I've given you all something to work on I expect you to be busy this week in being happier and better people. Be happy, accepting, nice and loving. Don't give yourself a bad reputation. Now remember, if anyone needs to talk or vent or what not, please contact me!!! I want to help and I always have the time to help. You can always email me at "". If you don't feel comfortable talking to me, there is and always be someone there for you. It could be the least expected person but they are there, Promise promise promise pinky promise. Remember you are not, and never will be alone.

     This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.                                                                                                                             

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Closet Bullying

     What is closet bullying? It's simply the act of someone talking negative things about someone else behind that persons back. Who knew right? Heck I do it all the time - not to say I'm too proud of it either... 
We all do it. It doesn't matter if that person knows about it or not. But one way or another, somehow someway, they are most likely going to find out about it - trust me. Personal experience. It sucks out loud - being the person talked about and the person you talked about finds out. Especially when you find out you're really close with that person. This should be everyone's new motto -
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
    Easier said than done right? It doesn't have to be that way. Who cares if they've done something that makes you look bad or they've done something you don't agree with or maybe you're super jealous of someone and you just say mean things about them to make you feel better... I do that all the time. And trust me, it doesn't make me fell any better. Let them be them and let you be you. I guarantee that if you focus on you and you let them be them, then you will a much happier person. 

     Seriously though, if they find out called them ugly,stupid, worthless, weird, gay, fat, skinny just anything, you are being a bully and you just made a really bad impression on them. Think about the possible scenarios it could lead to... depression, cutting, suicide etc. ... and to think it could be your fault. But you don't have to worry about that if you simply keep your mouth shut. Better yet, instead of saying something mean or rude, say something nice even if comes down to saying, "their eyebrows really fit them". That was actually kinda weird.. probably not the best example.. oh well, it works. Anyways, you get my point. Maybe you and your group of friends could make a deal to see who can go the longest without saying something bad about people. I personally think that'd be a great idea :) Not only will it benefit them, but it will benefit you.

*P.S. Sorry I haven't posted any blogs lately, I've been a slacker and I apologize :(*
     This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, ";postID=3910168554268041375" and,  "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.                                                                                                                               

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bullying Prevention Week, Be the Prevention!

     Hello everyone! This week at Licking Valley Elementary they are celebrating "anti-bullying week". On Monday everyone is asked to wear green for "Go help a classmate, tell an adult if you see bullying"/ Tuesday everyone is being asked to wear red to "Stop bullying now!". Wednesday everyone is being asked to wear yellow "Caution bullies that there are people ready to report incidents of bullying". Thursday is wear black for "Black out name calling!". Friday is school spirit day to remind us that "we are a team against bullying".
      This is such an easy way to make a great impact and something we can all easily do! Talk to people and share this with everyone so we can help out the elementary. Make this week extra "anti-bully" and step up to the plate and participate!
     This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and, "" and, "" and, ""  on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Need a Prayer?

     Good evening everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far :) I've gotten a little bit of feedback form my last post which was great but I'd love to have more! If you're going through a little rough patch or maybe even a big rough patch or know someone who could just use a prayer, just let me know! A prayer can do a lot and I'd love to help. Like I said in my previous post, if you need anything at all, email me at "". 
          This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :)  Please share this link and "" and also, "" on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Never Singled Out

    Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a great week so far :) Sorry I haven't been updated like i had hoped. Don't let that stop you from checking up on my blogs though :) 
     I know a lot of people feel really alone when it comes to them being bullied. They feel singled out, hurt, upset, worthless, etc. Well I want you to know that you aren't and NEVER will be worthless and I never want you to feel left out, hurt, etc. Soooo, if you're comfortable with it, I think it would be awesome if you commented on this and shared your stories with everyone else. You can share how you overcame the situation(s) or you can even ask how to handle it. If you don't want to be public but you really want someone to talk to or someone to just listen to you I would absolutely love to help! You can send me an email at "" and I'll respond as quickly as I can. 
     Please know that you are NOT the only one. There are kids, teens and even adults that struggle through different types and stages of bullying all the time. Cutting, suicide, drugs, alcohol etc. is not the answer! It will never be the answer no matter what anyone says. I know for sure there is at lease one person that will help you in any way they can. Your school peer, brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousin, teacher, boss, step parent, co-workers, there is always a possibility. If you don't have any of them to talk to then you have me to talk to for sure! I want to help in any I can. My heart strives to help all of you. Even if you find that you are the bully and you want help, go talk to someone, anyone! If there's things going on at home that are making you be this way towards others or if you feel like you'll get more attention by bullying others and you know it's wrong then try to help yourself and the person being bullied. Don't continue it. Maybe hang out with a different crowd? I know that's not easy, believe me, been there, done that. Not easy at all. But it can be done, you have complete control of yourself. This goes to the bullies and the bullied: don't let someone else push you around - be 100% control of you and only you
     Like I said, I would love to help. Share your stories, it will benefit so many people and it could also benefit yourself. Please share this link and "" on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to todaySpeak up, I am.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bully Proof

     Calling her ugly won't make you beautiful. Calling him gay won't make you straight. Calling him dumb won't make you smart. Calling her fake won't make you real. Please don't bully, it won't solve your own problems.
     Hey guys! So I am obviously doing a blog about bullying, psh, no kidding. I originally had this idea years ago to make a whole website on anti-bullying but never seemed to get around to it. Blogging seems to be more popular anyways so it all works out. Just so you all can basically grasp as to why I'm even doing this I'm going to share my own personal experience with bullying. Growing up in elementary school I always had a couple of best friends. There was a certain few who I always fought with but we somehow still considered each other as "best friends"... weird, I know. At a younger age my best friend was really gorgeous, funny,  flirty, and seemed to be great at everything. As we started getting a little older she started changing quite a bit. People were constantly laughing at her jokes, which in my opinion, weren't jokes. Her "jokes" consisted of mean and rude comments about other people, and I felt like one of her easiest targets, was me. I will admit I was not the cutest little kiddo out of the bunch. I had some pretty bright red hair, crooked teeth, and glasses with flowers on the side. I wasn't "fit" like all of the athletic kids were. She could come up with anything she possibly could to call me out on. Literally, anything. I remember when I had gotten new glasses and they were brown and shimmery. She was so desperate for the attention to where she made fun of me for having sparkles on my glasses. My winter coat, my shoes, my "non-makeup face", my freckles, my birthmark on the inside of my leg, and the freckle on my neck gave her every reason to bully me every single day. I came home pretty much every day dreading to go back to school the next day. It even got to the point to where they called in the school counselor to come and talk to our class. After the counselor talked to us, she took it all as a big joke and continued on and on with it. Fifth grade couldn't have ended sooner.
     I will say this - I got the very lucky end of the deal. Every time I turn around there's a story about a kid committing suicide because of how they felt after being bullied. The names, the rapes, the fights, the everything that happens to kids in our society is pathetic. It makes us look down right awful. I can't fathom what other kids go through. Let them make C's instead of B's. Let them ride a skateboard instead of hitting a baseball. Let them wear shorts that go down to their knee instead of having them ride up their crack. Let them be them and let you be you. We have all been hurt before, so think about how your actions will affect someone else.
     My heart is really craving to make a huge difference and I am beyond determined to do so. I could really use YOUR help though! Share this link with everyone you know. I'm going to try my best to make it possible for people who don't have internet to be able to read my blogs. Be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to today. Speak up, I am.