Have you gone to school and heard someone say, "did you see that picture she/he uploaded on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., like what the heck, they aren't even attractive" or "she had her shirt up so you could see her hip, talk about a skank". Now, have you ever looked at them and said stop? Have you ever felt better after saying/thinking things that? Well I sure hope not. I know I never have. I know that some of you (including myself) like to talk bad about those people because it simply boosts your self confidence. A ton of you will disagree with me and what not but that is the 100% truth and a proven fact. The only reason we are petty and rude about those kinds of things are because we want a boost of self confidence. But if you think about it, in return, you may feel better about yourself, but deep deep down, you feel like a guilty little crap head for being like that. LET THEM DIE THEIR HAIR. LET THEM SHOW THEIR HIP AND GET THE WRONG ATTENTION LIKE THEY KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET. LET THEM learn their lesson. They know what they're setting themselves up for. They know people will talk smack about their pictures. They egg on the the rude comments because they like the attention.
That's key everyone, They. Want. Attention.Ever think about what goes on at their home or why they're like that? There's a reason for everything. And things like that are never good reasons. Think about something before you say or think something. Maybe that girl doesn't have a relationship with their dad. That girl will crave attention from guys since she doesn't get it from what should be the most important man in her life (other than God). Maybe they were sexually harassed at some age? I know that some people who get sexually harassed are the opposite of "trashy" but something like that can and most likely will completely turn that person's life all the way around. They will want attention. Therefor, they will do whatever to get attention. What I'm trying to say here is,
you don't know their story, so don't read it out of context.And for those of you posting the pictures getting talked about, don't post pictures like that. I mean, if you want attention THAT bad, get the good kind of attention. Be a nice person, smile at everyone and have a good start to everyday. If you struggle, pray. Talk to someone. Don't talk to Negative Nelly and talk to someone that you know is uplifting and encouraging. Help yourself.
We're all in this together and you will never be alone. Remember, talk to anyone at all because there is always someone. You contact me at "haleysmith75@gmail.com". I'll always be there and you can count on it.
This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :) Please share this link and, "https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=7399527853403848392#editor/target=post;postID=3910168554268041375" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/need-prayer.html" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/bully-proof.html" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/never-singled-out.html" on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment.
Make a difference to today. Speak up, I am.
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