We all do it. It doesn't matter if that person knows about it or not. But one way or another, somehow someway, they are most likely going to find out about it - trust me. Personal experience. It sucks out loud - being the person talked about and the person you talked about finds out. Especially when you find out you're really close with that person. This should be everyone's new motto -
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."Easier said than done right? It doesn't have to be that way. Who cares if they've done something that makes you look bad or they've done something you don't agree with or maybe you're super jealous of someone and you just say mean things about them to make you feel better... I do that all the time. And trust me, it doesn't make me fell any better. Let them be them and let you be you. I guarantee that if you focus on you and you let them be them, then you will a much happier person.
Seriously though, if they find out called them ugly,stupid, worthless, weird, gay, fat, skinny just anything, you are being a bully and you just made a really bad impression on them. Think about the possible scenarios it could lead to... depression, cutting, suicide etc. ... and to think it could be your fault. But you don't have to worry about that if you simply keep your mouth shut. Better yet, instead of saying something mean or rude, say something nice even if comes down to saying, "their eyebrows really fit them". That was actually kinda weird.. probably not the best example.. oh well, it works. Anyways, you get my point. Maybe you and your group of friends could make a deal to see who can go the longest without saying something bad about people. I personally think that'd be a great idea :) Not only will it benefit them, but it will benefit you.
*P.S. Sorry I haven't posted any blogs lately, I've been a slacker and I apologize :(*
This blog is all about bullying prevention. I need your help to prevent it. You guys are doing a great job at sharing my links and being the difference! :) Please share this link and, "https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=7399527853403848392#editor/target=post;postID=3910168554268041375" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/need-prayer.html" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/bully-proof.html" and, "http://hnoelsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/never-singled-out.html" on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, tell people, just please share it! Help be the difference, be sure to give every single person you see today or talk to today a compliment. Make a difference to today. Speak up, I am.
Love this post and love the blog. Great job, Haley.
ReplyDeleteI think your classmates will really respond to this!
Mr. Weaver
Great job Haley...I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Yates
It takes a strong person to write about such a topic and spread support. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Lichtenauer