A very close friend of mine was told that if that person were to ever die, no one would care. That person then tried to commit suicide shortly after... they built up the courage to not end up doing so and I thank God for that over and over.
The fact that that person had to complete strength to not follow through is just a miracle. They are one my absolute best friends and it'd be really really hard to imagine life without them. The amount of people that would dwell and be destroyed over the fact that they had killed themselves is a numerous amount. So so soooooo many people would just be destroyed. And the thing is, the same amount of people would be just as hurt if you were to do it. What I'm saying here is that if you have ever attempted or thought to commit suicide, you need to never think of it again. God put you on this earth for a reason - a good reason too. Don't be that person. Be the person who overcame it. Be the one to prevent it. Be the one to stand up for it and be against it. Be there for someone. Build yourself to the right standards. You and everyone else around you is worth more than a million. Even the girl you can't stand, or the boss that butt heads with, or the person who has bullied you... no one is worth a suicide.
Especially you.
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